Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Week 1: Virginal Blog Entry

This week's analytical response to a form of graphic design has been derived by the front cover of a brochure.

The core function of this cover page hold two function's. Its first function is gaining the attention of the reader/audience, achieved by the central figure, with her eyes directed towards the viewer, holding a subtle invitation towards reading the brochure's entirety.

The second function of this cover page is in the introduction of the product itself. This task has been accomplished with an image of the product and a tag line of the company directly underneath.

I was fortunate enough to actually take this brochure home from work after i had found it during the initial clean-up at the conclusion of the function.

The style of the design itself has influence's from the psychedelia period, generated by the curving and colourful artwork depicted around the border. In continuation, this design holds influence's from the The Swiss Movement of the 1950s-mid 1980s. This influence can be viewed with the designs non exaggerated claims of commercial advertising of objective clarity and simplicity.

In relation to the typography, very little has been used, albeit the tag line at the bottom of the page, with a carefully selected serif typeface.

In conclusion, the main aspect of this design which gained my attention of the centralised face and its creation in black and white with its remaining pulsating green eyes kept in tact, if so, further exaggerated. In addition, i enjoyed the feathered effect of the face integrated amongst the painted artwork.

Continually, the bordered artwork, was the most personally appreciated feature of the design in its ability to gain my attention and guide my eye around the entire page by following the lines.

The simplicity of the concept, too i enjoyed as its clarity made it more orderly to view without becoming an eye sore.

Monday, October 26, 2009

"Is this Graphic Design?"

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Really wish i could change the dark blue background to a more subtle yellow-brown"