Monday, November 9, 2009

Serious Causes of Graphic Design

This week's exmaple of Graphic Design is a promotional printed adverstisement poster by IG Parental Control in making the internet a safer place for children.

In this series of posters, it depicts children as toys (anthromorphism) undressing themselves in various poses. This is intended to illustrate that on the internet children are sometimes made to make sexually explicit images of themselves for online stalkers and peadophiles.

Above the witty photograph of the toys is the tagline, "Children can learn many things on the internet", incinuating their "education" on child pornography.

The core function of this advertisement is to gain support and warn parents of the dangers prevalent within the digital world and further influence them to aid in making it a safer environment.

This week's example was found in a design book i was browsing through during the week at a shop, where i was lucky enough to take a quick photo before any of the staff caught me doing so


In reference to the question on the style of the design, i would interpret this piece of work to be derived from the Late Modern era of 1945-1970.

Reasoning behind this selection can be notified in the combination of text and imagery in the concept. Furthermore i would infer that the design piece has a clean look and finish to it by means of its simplicity and ability not to lose the intended message by means of extra text or images.

Through my class notes, i was able to conclude that this Late Modern design era in terms of advertising became known as "New Advertising" in the ability to incorporate imagary with text in a clean-cut finish and simplicity.

The typeface utilised in the advertisement is an easil recongnisble calligraphic cursive font, centrally aligned along the top of the header. I believe this selection of font is beneficial as, in analytical response, the human eye when posed with a serif font is easier to remember by the ability of the eye to follow the direction and motion of the serifs from each word.

The individual factor which gained my attraction to this work is the wit and humour illustrated in the ad of the entire use of plush toys undressing themselves. This ability to use use such wit makes the concept much louder in its approach to gaining attention
Another reason, in relation to the toys themselves, is even though at first this is a great strategy to gain attention, after reading the text, it is able to inexplicably change the mood of the individual from humour to seriousness all within a few seconds.
Another facet of the design i like upon closer speculation is the progressive movement made possibly in positioning and aligment. This action is as follows:
-first recognition of the image
-eye is then guided to the header to read the tag ling
-eye bought down to the right side of the image and followed down
-image guides to bottom right of footer for logo representation

1 comment:

  1. i love these, there so sick haha

    they should sell the bears in shops haha.

    but i think its a really good angle they took to advertise and i cant believe you always find the sickest stuff
