Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Week 2: Gettin' into the Swing of Things

This week's grapic design installment is an outdoor advertisement, produced by the Saatchi & Saatchi design agency in Sydney.

The advertisement itself is a campaign to curb drink driving in Australia by use of black skid marks (like that of a car) leading from the road onto bus shelters, pavements and park benches (as depicted in the photographs), concluding with the slogan, "DRINK DRIVING ENDS HERE".

As previously mentioned, its functionality is to reduce drink driving by depicting consequences of this action by means of ending up off the road and damaging surrounding facets, for example, other pedestrians.

I was able to find this campaign advertisement in a purchased graphic design book titled,

"Guerilla Advertising" by Gavin Lucas and Michael Dorrian.

This style of design, is, as mentioned by the book's title, guerilla advertising.

The reasoning behind this concept of design can be related to the fact that primarily, this form of design in unexpected and ultimately interactive by the general public. This is achieved by means of civilians able to easily access the design in everyday actions.

Furthermore, this outdoor advertisement is thought-provoking by the audience in a manner, whereby their eye is forced to follow the skid mark up to the banner coining the phrase, "DRINK DRIVING ENDS HERE". As a result, obliged to realise the reality of the message being conveyed.

In relation to typography, a large white filled Arial Black typeface has been selected. The probable reasoning behind this choice is the type's ability to instantly gain the viewers attention and easily read out the intended message.

The clarity of Arial Black enables a simplistic ability of sending across the desired message without losing attention or getting bored, possibly resulting in loss of attraction.

In regards to the quality of the artwork, upon subjective belief, i believe the concept is of high quality.

The reasoning behind this decision is in comparison that this idea goes beyond print advertising, whereby, the design itself, becomes part of the surrounding environment.

The main factor of this design concept which gained my attention was the designer's innovatice idealogy in taking the client's intentions further then possibly expected via its incorporation into the natural environment.

Another attention grabbing part of the design, personally, is the loud, witty and energetic ability of the designer to "go one step further", so that as a student of design, i find this artwork inspiring for future projects.

In continuation, this progressive piece represents to other designer's of all regions that this example of work is the established benchmark for the modern day

1 comment:

  1. I like how the advert attracts the viewer to read it and how because its something you wouldn't normally see (the whole setup) one would remember it for longer because it impacts on the viewer.
